Sunday, February 1, 2015

the blessings of HARD WORK

I am so excited for this lesson! In one of my husband's classes he is doing a capstone project, and we decided this would be good for him to do since our family could benefit from it. He needs to spend at least 6-8 hours throughout the project creating family home evening lesson plans, and I am posting them on the internet to help keep me more accountable for making sure that I carry the plans out... and so you can benefit from more variety and ideas in your lessons too!

I can't wait to do this lesson! This is the lesson that we will do for our family home evening this Friday! I know... Monday is the traditional FHE night, but when we do it on that night with my husband busy with school - it just doesn't happen. So we are going to start fresh with FHE and do Fridays, then we can go into town and do something fun if he doesn't have too much homework!

Working is something that we are struggling to teach our kids right now. They can spend hours playing video games and watching TV. When I tell them to turn it off, they go "But I am so bored, there is nothing to do! Why do I have to turn it off?" I say "Because you can't just sit in front of a screen all day." then it goes back to them repeating their sentence and I repeat my sentence again, then I just put the remote up where they can't reach it anymore. Problem solved, right? Nope! Then we are right back to where we started an hour later when they are bored again. I try to get them to help me do some of the repetitive endless housework so that I am not doing it all, and they learn the value of hard work. Then they just complain their way out of it, I get tired of arguing and I just finish everything by myself. Sigh! 

As I am cleaning endlessly and repetitively I imagine my kids and I all cleaning and working hard together. We get done quickly as a team, with enough time to eat a relaxing lunch together, then we get to go outside and play and have fun - well if it were summer. (I seem to daydream about summer a lot lately, I can't wait to get to work outside in the yard!) 

So what better than to teach them important gospel principles than with the scriptures, prophets, and church songs?!? Nothing else I have tried to bribe them has worked so far, and with our new excitement for doing regular FHE's this seemed to be a good place to start!... I think that I will suggest for my husband to create a lesson about learning to work together WITHOUT the sounds of kids fighting and hitting and crying in the background! (another thing we need to work on!)

This plan, of course is just a suggestion. You can use it all or adjust it to work for your family. 

Comment if you have any other Ideas to go with this lesson, or if you have done it already this in your families, and what you did to make it successful. 

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